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Gel Blaster VS Airsoft

Gel Blaster VS Airsoft (My first gelball blaster)

A new breed of toy guns is on the rise. Hydro blasters, also known as gel ball shooters, have been around for nearly 18 months. What is a hydro blaster you ask? Well, this is what happens when paintball and airsoft have babies you get hydro blasters! Think of it like a hybrid of paintball and airsoft.

Gel ball Blasters are similar to that of a plastic nerf or airsoft gun, however, they fire small harmless water balls from 25 to 60ft depending on the model. The gel ball ammo, also known as crystal balls or orbeez, are non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and are formed after soaking in water for around 4 hours. These squishy gel balls hold their form while fired and then explode on impact. An exciting but safe sport, these blasters are the ideal choice amongst many Australians and are the best alternative to paintball and airsoft.

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