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Gel Blaster is your go-to for low-impact fun. We’ve got everything you need to enjoy the game of gel ball blaster, including starter kits, accessories, and more. Gel blasters are a great way to get in touch with your inner child and enjoy hours of playtime with friends and family without feeling like you’ll break something or get hurt.

We know that sometimes it’s hard to find the time to play when you have a busy schedule or a lot going on, but we’ll help you find the best way to fit in some fun—whether it’s just an hour of stress relief or an afternoon spent running around with your kids.

Our goal is simple: we want everyone to have as much fun as possible! We know how important it is to give yourself permission to relax and enjoy life, so we’ve made sure that all of our products are designed with safety in mind so they can be enjoyed by kids and grownups alike.

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International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

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